Monday, April 23, 2012

Emerald Eggs Tweetcipe

I was working last St. Patrick’s Day.  The menu I was to cook for the nine men who were having a “Guys Only” weekend was set, but I wanted to make one more dish, an amuse bouche, that represented St. Patrick’s Day.  I found the following recipe on and it did not disappoint!  And, as a kicker, these green deviled eggs are great for the little ones who want to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss (March 2, 1904).  Just add a small slice of shaved ham on top.

Emerald Eggs

6 organic eggs, hard-boiled
1 cup watercress leaves
¼ cup mayonnaise (I use safflower mayo)
2 T chopped scallions
2 T chopped tarragon
salt and pepper to taste

Peel eggs and cut them in half.  Scoop the yolks into a food processor and puree with watercress, mayonnaise, scallions, tarragon, salt and pepper.  Fill a quart Ziploc bag with the filling.  Snip off a corner and pipe the filling into the egg whites.  Sprinkle with smoked paprika.

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